You are invited to an international webinar
"The World as Classroom"
Education for the Digital Age
Based on "The City as a Classroom" - by Marshall McLuhan, Kathryn Hutchon and Eric McLuhan
Monday, June 22 at 11 AM Eastern Time , 6 p.m Israel | on ZOOM
This webinar is being offered to report on a highly successful educational project at Hamanchil School in the city of Ramat Gan in Israel that was based upon ideas found in the 1978 book City as Classroom: Understanding Language and Media (1977), co-authored by Marshall and Eric McLuhan and Kathryn Hutchon
We all have an opportunity to transform the world into a classroom and create opportunities for cross-border learning to create a better world and Education for the Digital Age
The Speakers will be:

Chairman of the Israeli Chamber of Information Technology -
Opening and Greetings

Principal of Hamanchil School.
From Theory to Practice.

Founder & Chair of the Israel Smart Cities Institute will describe the Hamanchil School Project.
the goal of which was to expose children ages 9-14 to the emerging "Smart Cities" phenomenon.

(University of Toronto).
The model of community of practice and knowledge management.

Head of Innovative Technology Center in Learning, The Israeli Chamber of Information Technology

Director of The McLuhan Institute
Classrooms without Walls.

(University of Toronto) - Marshall McLuhan's prescriptions for institutional learning in the post-literate era.
Content of the lectures:
Dr. Edna Pasher will describe the Hamanchil School project, the goal of which was to expose children ages 9-14 to the emerging “Smart Cities” phenomenon. Committed to McLuhan’s ideas about school education, we co-designed with the children and the teachers a project-based learning experience, in which the children were invited to develop “smart solutions” to make their city smarter. Dr. Pashner will be assisted by Ayala Albaz.
Robert K. Logan PhD (University of Toronto) espouses the need for a radical shift of resources in education from teacher-led instruction, which he describes as the broadcast model of education in which the teachers broadcast the knowledge and the students are the passive recipients of the information, to that of more peer-learning approach based on the model of a community of practice and knowledge management.
Andrew McLuhan observes that “the Internet is everyone’s classroom.” Google can do the information transfer part of the classroom teacher’s job, hence the job of mere information transfer is obviated for teachers. Today’s school environments should be “classrooms without walls,” which was an idea developed in City as Classroom. Information that learners source for themselves enable stronger learning and retention than information broadcast to the student.
Alexander Kuskis, PhD will discuss Marshall McLuhan’s criticisms of traditional classroom education and his prescriptions for reforming institutional learning in this post-literate digital age.